Fellow Experience
Our one-year fellowship program is accredited by the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Accreditation Council (EUFAC), meaning it is recognized as one of the top ultrasound training programs for EM physicians in the United States. Only graduates from EUFAC-accredited fellowship programs can sit for Focused Practice Designation (FPD) certification through the American Board of Emergency Medicine.
Our ultrasound fellowship provides progressive responsibility in ultrasound teaching and deliberate practice in training future ultrasound leaders, with unparalleled investment and mentorship from our faculty. An advanced ultrasound machine dedicated just for fellows and structured curriculum exceeding national standards, including TEE. Our six ultrasound fellowship-trained faculty are national leaders in the point-of-care ultrasound community, and an additional 32 Department of Emergency Medicine faculty have active ultrasound clinical privileges, raising the quality of the ultrasound experience for all learners.